Monday, May 18, 2020

mao last dancer - 1031 Words

‘Non-fiction texts only deal with facts.’ Discuss the validity of this statement. In your essay response, you should discuss how composers of non-fiction texts present their point of view with specific reference to your non-fiction text. Autobiographies, as a narrative non-fiction text, generally rely on the conventions of factual historical evidence while presenting a personal point of view. Non-fiction texts therefore, rely on objective detail and a subjective perspective. Throughout the autobiography Mao’s Last Dancer the composer Li Cunxin offers a personal evaluation of actions and speculates on the significance of certain actions and events. To engage and entertain the responder the composer uses opinionative language and†¦show more content†¦The use of omission is brought to our attention at the start of the ‘afterword’. The fact that the author finishes writing on the page about a particular event which occurred in the distant past (being released from the Chinese Government). And then starts a new page erasing a whole stage out of his autobiography. â€Å"My new life with Elizabeth began like an East meets West fairy tale†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p308) simply reassures the readers that t he legitimacy of the text is not all true. What has happened in the release and the meeting of Elizabeth? The reader does not hear what her point of view is on the circumstances or what she thinks about it, such as why their marriage failed, â€Å"but it didn’t work out the way we both had hoped.† (p308) This merely gives the reader a one sided point of view. As we hear Li’s thoughts and emotions towards Elizabeth, the reader is manipulated into sympathizing with Li. Therefore Elizabeth is not given adequate characterization. â€Å"Our marriage eventually failed. We suffered greatly and I felt terribly alone in the world. I had no one to go to.† (p308) The use of this personal style makes this genre a subjective text. However, autobiographies do include factual detail and are not all subjective. In Mao’s Last Dancer, the author includes an appendix, which outlines the historical events mentioned in the book. These include reference map, a historical timeline of China in the 20thShow MoreRelatedMaos Last Dancer1250 Words   |  5 Pageswere told what to do, and what to say. Today I will be speaking to you about Mao’s Last Dancer, the film adaption of the autobiography of Li Cunxin. To begin with, I will speak about the Cultural Revolution in China, where the story is set. Li’s story took place during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of China, commonly known as the Cultural Revolution. This revolution took place from 1966 to 1976, lead by Mao Zedong, who was the leader of the Communist Party of China at the time. The CulturalRead MoreMaos Last Dancer812 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The 2003 autobiography Mao s Last Dancer, by Li Cunxin, is a book that is open to interpretation. Overall, it is an interesting book that presents many different ideas and themes, including traditional Chinese culture and the comparison between East and West ideology. Mao s Last Dancer tells the tale of Li Cunxin, a Chinese dancer in the Houston Ballet, and his adventures. The book also includes various members of Li s family, his dance teachers at his ballet academy and the friends he makesRead MoreWriting : Mao s Last Dancer842 Words   |  4 Pageswrong Creative Writing – Mao’s Last Dancer Your task is to produce an imaginative writing piece based on the autobiographical text you have studied in class. It needs to demonstrate your understanding about the people in the text, conflicts the people have to deal with and the issues and values presented in the text. Statement of Intent Context- I will be taking on the persona of Li Cunxin writing to the Communist Party, based on the text, Mao’s Last Dancer. 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