Monday, June 22, 2020

Treatment plan Email - Free Essay Example

Research has shown that swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) affects nearly 5 million people in the United States. Some of the complications that come with the condition include dehydration, malnutrition, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia and even death. Some of the methods that have been developed over time for the treatment of this disease involves swallowing exercises, taking manoeuvres and dietary restriction. Dysphagia affects around 22 percent of the people aged above 55 years. This situation can be quite hectic to the individuals since it inhibits them from enjoying the foods or beverages that they previously enjoyed. One of the methods of treatment for the condition that has been devised includes the application of the electrical current to peripheral tissue targets. This aims to strengthen the swallowing musculature and to stimulate the sensory pathways that are relevant to swallowing. Neuromuscular Electrical Transmission (NMES) is the external control of innervated, that is paretic or muscles by electrical stimulation of the corresponding intact peripheral nerves that can be applied to the resting muscles or superimposed on the voluntary muscle contractions. The contractions that are brought about by this method lead to the larger and more motor units than the voluntary contractions. This results into metabolic responses within muscle tissues which ultimately results in the increased strength. This method of treatment is usually administered intramuscularly or transcutaneously. Sensory NMES enhances swallowing by augmenting the visual signals.

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